Sunday Worship

Each week we meet for In-Person worship, and Facebook Live.  Click Here  to watch our most recent sermon and past sermons. 

Planning to visit us? Check out our “I’m New” page.

Our Disciples Now! classes meet on Sunday mornings at 9am.

Butterfly Children’s Ministry

Discipleship begins in childhood. Miss Bev concentrates on leading our children into a deep relationship with Jesus, and has fun doing it!

Youth Ministry

As our children grow into teenagers the influence of the world becomes stronger… that is why spending time helping our youth go deeper in their relationship with Christ is essential.

ACTS Groups

Our A.C.T.S. groups are small groups encouraging spiritual growth through Accountability, Caring, Teaching, and Service.

Brianna’s Hope

Brianna’s Hope is a recovery program that creates relationship and accountability in their recovery. Brianna’s Hope meets Tuesday nights at 6pm the warming center of our Main Street Campus. For more information visit

Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery is a program that helps with the hurts, habits, and hang-ups we all experience. CR meets Friday evenings at 6pm at the Gethsemane Campus. Enter the Southwest door via the rear parking lot.

Greenhouse Mentors

Our mentor ministry is designed to take disciples of Jesus Christ to the next step in their discipleship journey. This is not an advanced program. We believe everyone, including our mentors, needs a mentor.

Pastoral Guidance

So many of the issues we have in our lives begin from deep within our spirits and our emotions. Our pastors are equipped to help and lead individuals who seek to find the roots of emotional/spiritual habits and hang-ups. Pastoral guidance is not a replacement for professional cognitive counseling. If you or someone you love and care about are threatening or at risk for self-harm you should take them to the Emergency Room right away.